Statistics 571

Statistical Methods for Bioscience I

Lecture Notes Homework Grades Blog R
Office Hours Statistical Tables Exam Solutions Final Exam Information Fall 2010 Webpage
Discussion Notes


  1. The Final Exam for all students is Monday, December 19, 5:05-7:05 pm in Humanities 2650. Please note that this is a room change from previous announcements.

Day and TimeRegular ClassroomComputer Classroom Sept. 12-16
Tu 1:00 – 2:15pm Engineering Hall 2535 Social Science 3218
Tu 1:00 – 2:15pm Gym.-Natatorium Animal Science 204
We 1:00 – 2:15pm Noland 579/Grainger 2185 Animal Science 204 + Animal Science 150
We 2:30 - 3:45pm Sterling 1333 Animal Science 204
Th 8:00 - 9:15am Social Science 4308 Animal Science 204

Course Information

Bret Hanlon and Bret Larget are the professors for Statistics 571 in Fall 2011.

We share a common course syllabus, will work from the same lecture notes, give common homework assignments, and give common examinations. We will strive to cover the same topics at nearly the same pace. We even share a common first name! Students are free to attend the alternative lecture when desired.

Lecture Notes

DateTopic Notes [slides per page]TextHandouts/Comments
September 6 Introduction [1] [2] [4]    
September 6 Data [1] [2] [4] 1.1, 1.3, 1.5 cows.R
September 8 Population and Samples [1] [2] [4] 1.2, Interleaf 2 Easton etal. (2010)
Time article
September 13-22 Inference for Proportions
Binomial and Discrete Distributions
Linearity of Expectation and Variance
Sampling Distribution of Sample Proportions
Confidence Intervals for Proportions
Hypothesis Testing for Proportions
[1] [2] [4] 3.4
Interleaf 3
Background paper for chimpanzee example
(There is no expectation that you will read this paper
but it is made available for those interested.)
September 27-29 Probability [1] [2] [4] 5.1-5.10  
October 4-6 Contingency Tables [1] [2] [4] 9.1-9.7 mosaic.R
October 11-13 Normal distribution
t distribution
central limit theorem
[1] [2] [4] 10.1-10.6, 11.1  
October 18,27 Inference for a Single Population Mean
Confidence Intervals using t-distribution
Bootstrap confidence intervals
The one-sample t-test
[1] [2] [4] 2.1-2.2, 11.1-11.2, 19.3  
October 20 Midterm Exam 1      
October 27 - November 3 Inference for Two Population Means
Randomization Tests
[1] [2] [4] 19.2  
November 3-8 Power and Sample Size
[1] [2] [4] 14.7  
November 10 Assumptions and Transformations
[1] [2] [4] 13.1-13.3, 13.8-13.9  
November 15 Elements of Experimental Design [1] [2] [4] 14.1-14.9  
November 17 Midterm Exam 2      
November 22, 29, December 1 ANOVA [1] [2] [4] 19.1, 15.1-15.8  
November 24 Eat Turkey      
December 6 Correlation [1] [2] [4] 16.1-16.4  
December 8-15 Regression and related topics [1] [2] [4] Interleaf 4, 17.1-17.10  

Discussion Notes

Week of September 12 R for Statistics 571 (large, you likely do not want to print this)
lab1.pdf (handout to work through during class)
Week of September 19 disc2.pdf
Week of September 26 disc3.pdf
Week of October 3 disc4.pdf
Week of October 10 disc5.pdf
Week of October 24 disc
Week of October 31 disc
Week of November 7 disc
Week of November 21 disc
Week of November 28 disc
Week of December 5 disc
Week of December 12 disc

Homework Assignments

Assignments are due by 4:00 P.M. on the date due. Late homework is not graded.

AssignmentDate GivenDate DueExtrasSolutions
Assignment #1 September 9 September 16 USA Today (2011) article on grandparent driving
Pediatrics (2011) article on grandparent driving
Assignment #2 September 16 September 23    
Assignment #3 September 24 September 30    
Assignment #4 September 30 October 7    
Assignment #5 October 8 October 14    
Assignment #6 October 23 October 28    
Assignment #7 October 28 November 4    
Assignment #8 November 6 November 11 boot.R
Assignment #9 November 21 November 28    
Assignment #10 December 1 December 9 cichlids.csv  
Assignment #11 December 5 December 9 pinecones.csv  
Assignment #12 December 12 December 16    

Office Hours

Bret Hanlon:Tues. 8:00 - 9:00 am
Thur. 8:00 - 9:00 am
Bret Larget:Tues. 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Wed. 2:30 - 3:30 pm
Lilun Du:Mon. 11:00 am - noon
Wed. 11:00 am - noon
Seho Park:Fri. 3:00 - 5:00 pm MSC
Qi Jiang:Tues. 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Thur. 4:30 - 5:30 pm
MSC 1270

Statistical Tables

Whitlock and Schluter Tables

Previous Years Exam Solutions

2010 Exam2010 Solutions
Midterm 1 Solution
Midterm 2 Solution
Final Exam There is no electronic solution to this exam.

2011 Exam Solutions

Midterm 1 Solution
Midterm 2 Solution

R Handouts

Professor Larget has written an introduction to R for Statistics 571. This document will be extended during the semester. The accompaning data files are useful if you want to try out the examples on your own.

Extra Files

The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) contains multiple documentation for R. Here are three examples that are most appropriate for an audience of introductory statistics students. If you have a desire to learn R on your own faster than what we do in class, these documents are a good place to begin.

Last modified: July 19, 2011

Bret Larget,