This webpage is only for the prospective students. You can enroll in this course officially and find more accurate details on Canvas.
Students will integrate R with high performance computing tools to do scientific computing at an introductory level.
Here is a more detailed course map.
Check the syllabus on Canvas.
There are five topics in the schedule, focusing on the optimization in math and coding. For each topic, there are links to four types of course materials:
For each day in the schedule, do the things listed in its “Before Class” before the date that fits your schedule. Complete the things in the “Assignment Due” before 11:59 p.m.
STAT 303: R for Statistics I (Intro R) and STAT 304: R for Statistics II (Interm R). However, having more programming/debugging experiences and better statistical training is really helpful.
The textbook is R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R (2nd Ed) (with its liveBook) by Robert Kabacoff (2015) (good for Advanced R). Moreover, we’ll provide course notes, and we’ll read R documentation and write R code.
A laptop is required in class (better with a backup computer). If you have trouble with R, RStudio or R mark down in your own computer, try RStudio Cloud (without installation) or visit Computer lab locations - UW-Madison Information Technology.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison supports the right of all enrolled students to a full and equal educational opportunity. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Wisconsin State Statute (36.12), and UW-Madison policy (Faculty Document 1071) require that students with disabilities be reasonably accommodated in instruction and campus life. Reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities is a shared faculty and student responsibility. Students are expected to inform me of their need for instructional accommodations by the end of the second week of the semester, or as soon as possible after a disability has been incurred or recognized. I, will work either directly with the student or in coordination with the McBurney Center to identify and provide reasonable instructional accommodations. Disability information, including instructional accommodations as part of a student’s educational record, is confidential and protected under FERPA.
Any student signed up for honors should approach me within the first two weeks of the course to discuss a potential project. A timeline will be set up that helps students create their own project. Honors projects will be due at the end of the semester. If honors projects fail, a Q score will be assigned at the end of the session and the Dean Office can be contacted for further paperwork.
During the fall and spring, this course runs in five weeks. The weekly workload of this one-credit, five-week course should be like that of a three-credit, one-semester course: 1 credit = (3 credits/semester)*(1/3 semester).
These points are available (we might revise this as we write course materials):
Total | 102 pts (then, divided by 1.02 and converted to the points out of 100) |
3 R scripts or projects (HW 1-3) | 80 |
2 group practice exercises | 20 |
Make a brief note in Piazza to introduce yourself before the end of the first week | 1 |
Answer a question on Piazza | 1 |
We’ll assign grades according to the point scale, A = [92,100], AB = [88,92), B = [82,88), BC = [78,82), C = [70,78), D = [60,70), F = [0,60) (\(\ge\) 92% of points results in A); and according to the percentile scale, A = 70, AB = 60, B = 45, BC = 30, C = 10, D = 5, F = 0 (performing \(\ge\) 70% of the class leads to A). Your grade will be the higher of these two grades.
Grades are recorded in Canvas and you need to report any grading errors by the deadlines I will email you later.
If you anticipate religious or other conflicts with course requirements, you must notify me during the first two weeks of class. You may not make up missed quizzes, homework, or exams, except in the rare case of a documented, serious problem beyond your control.
I encourage you to discuss the course, including the online quizzes, with others, but you must write the R scripts and the exam by yourself and prevent others from copying your work (see the UW Academic Integrity Policy).
Note that the registrar’s deadlines for our FEE session courses are special.
Check the Canvas Calendar.