There is a fundamental dichtomy between “generative” models and “non-generative” models. Generative models, tell you how the graph is generated; it is a rather simple recipe for sampling the graph; it is also a “story” about how the world might generate a graph. “Non-generative” models do not provide this intuition; perhaps instead, they give a probability distribution.
The preferential attachment model is a simple story of how to sample a graph. This story generates a graph with a power law degree distribution. In essence, it is the story of “the rich getting richer”.
Probabilists like the regime \(m=1\). Do you notice anything funny about this regime?
plot(, m=1))
plot(, m=2))
transitivity(, m=2))
## [1] 0.01112765
mean(transitivity(, m=2), type = "local"))
## [1] 0.1105688
mean(transitivity(, m=2), type = "local"))
## [1] 0.111008
transitivity(, m=5))
## [1] 0.03148695
mean(transitivity(, m=5), type = "local"))
## [1] 0.3082898
mean(transitivity(, m=5), type = "local"))
## [1] 0.2492136
transitivity(, m=10))
## [1] 0.05731902
mean(transitivity(, m=10), type = "local"))
## [1] 0.4813237
mean(transitivity(, m=10), type = "local"))
## [1] 0.5028854
Between sparse ER graphs and preferential attachment graphs, which should have larger pairwise distances?
diameter( = 1000,p.or.m = 10/1000))
## [1] 6
diameter(, m=10),directed = F)
## [1] 3
diameter( = 10000,p.or.m = 10/10000))
## [1] 7
diameter(, m=10),directed = F)
## [1] 4
Which is more likely to be disconnected?
is.connected( = 10000,p.or.m = 2/10000))
## [1] FALSE
is.connected(, m=2),mode = "weak")
## [1] TRUE