Grace Wahba, students and collaborators Technical Reports
G. Wahba, Colleagues and Students - TR's and MSS
Listed in reverse
chronological order by date of original TR or mss,
since mid 1993. Later journal
citations added where applicable. Thus, a paper which appeared
in a journal in 1995 would be listed under 1993 if the original
TR was dated 1993. Revisions listed with the original.
Citations of earlier papers here.
Pre 1993 `Golden Oldies'- pdf files of some old,
unpublished TR's/hard to find papers.
TechReport Archive 1968-1994
Citations of earlier papers here.
Pre 1993 `Golden Oldies'- pdf files of some old,
unpublished TR's/hard to find papers.
- G. Wahba and Y.Wang
Representer Theorem
" 2019 Slightly revised version has appeared in StatsRef.
- G. Wahba
Dissimilarity Data in Statistical Model building
and Machine Learning.
Fifth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians,
AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol 51, 2012,
Lizhen Ji, Yat Sun Poon, Lo Yang and Shing-Tung Yao, Eds.
(Expands on TR1155 and
JSPI v 140, issue 12, Dec 2010, pp3580-3596)
- G. Wahba
Encoding Dissimilarity Data for Statistical
Model Building
" For the Volume in Honor of the 80th Birthday
of Distinguished Professor Emmanuel Parzen,
J. Statistical
Planning and Inference, online version May, 2010 (formerly TR1155, September 2009.)
(Has appeared, JSPI v 140, issue 12, Dec 2010, pp3580-3596)
- Shi, W., Wahba, G., Wright, S., Lee, K.,
Klein, R., and Klein, B.
LASSO-Patternsearch Algorithm with Application to Ophthalmalogy
" TR 1131, October, 2006.
- Lu, F., Keles, S., Lin, Y., Wright, S. and Wahba, G.
Kernel Regularization and Dimension Reduction
" TR 1119, April, 2006. Congrats to Fan Lu who won the "Best Student
Paper Award", ASA
Statistical Computing and Graphics Sections, JSM2006 for this long
Fan Lu also won the International Biometric
Society's Eastern North American Region (ENAR) Distinguished Student Paper
Award (2006) for his contributions in Lu, Keles, Wright and Wahba (2005)
below .
- Lu, F., Keles, S., Wright, S., and Wahba, G.
Framework for Kernel Regularization With Application to Protein
Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, 102(2005)
12332-12337. Open access.
- Lu, F., Hill, G., Wahba, G., and Desiati, P.
Signal Probability Estimation with Penalized Likelihood Method
on Weighted Data.
" TR 1106, March, 2005. Has appeared in
Statistica Sinica 16, 459-470 (2006).
- Carew, J., Wahba, G., Koay, C., Wu, Y., Alexander, A. and
Meyerand, M. E.
Automatic Classification of High Angular Resolution Diffusion Data.
" TR 1103, February, 2005. Accepted for oral presentation at
the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 13th
Scientific Meeting,
Miami Beach May 2005.
- Hoffmann, T., Chung, M., Dalton, K., Alexander, A., Wahba, G.,
and Davidson, R.
Subpixel curvature estimation of the corpus callosum via splines and
its application to autism.
2004. Accepted for presentation at the 10th Annual meeting of the
Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
- Carew, J., Dalal, R., Wahba, G., and Fain, S.
Estimating Arterial Wall Shear Stress
TR 1088, December 2003. Part I accepted for presentation at ISMRM12,
Student travel award to John Carew to present part I. In
Proc.Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 11, 1924 (2004)
- Wahba, G., Lin, Y., Lee, Y., Zhang, H., Nychka, D. and Wong,
TR 1080
The 2003 Wald Lectures, with discussion.
- Wahba, G.
Soft and Hard Classification by Reproducing Kernel
Hilbert Space Methods.
Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, 102(2002)
12332-12337. Open access.
- Zhang, H., Wahba, G., Lin, Y.,
Voelker, M., Ferris, M., Klein, R. and Klein, B.
Variable Selection and Model Building
via Likelihood Basis Pursuit
TR 1059r. March 2003. Revised and expanded version of TR 1059, July, 2002.
Congrats to Hao Helen Zhang who won a 2003 Laha Travel Award to
present her work at JSM. Has appeared in J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 99
- Carew, J., Wahba, G., Xie, X., Nordheim, E., and Meyerand, M.
Optimal Spline Smoothing of fMRI Time Series by Generalized
TR 1058, June 2002. In NeuroImage 18, 950-961, 2003.
- Wahba, G., Lin, Y., Lee, Y. and Zhang, H.
Optimal Properties and Adaptive Tuning
of Standard and Nonstandard Support Vector
" TR 1045, October 2001. In
Nonlinear Estimation
and Classification, Denison, Hansen, Holmes, Mallick and Yu, eds,
Springer, 125-143, 2002. (Supercedes
TR 1039).
- Zhang, H., Wahba, G., Lin, Y., Voelker, M.,
Ferris, M., Klein, R. and Klein, B.
Variable Selection via Basis Pursuit for Non-Gaussian Data
" TR 1042, October 2001. In Proceedings
of the ASA Joint Statistical Meetings, 2001.
- Lee, Y, Lin, Y. and Wahba, G.
Multicategory Support Vector Machines
" TR 1043, September, 2001. Long version
of TR 1040. In Computing Science and Statistics 33,
The Interface Foundation.
- Lin, Y., Wahba, G., Zhang, H., and Lee, Y.
Statistical Properties and Adaptive
Tuning of Support Vector Machines.
" TR 1022, September 2000. Has appeared in Machine Learning,
48, 115-136, 2002.
- Wahba, G., Lin, Y. and Zhang, H.
Generalized Approximate Cross Validation
for Support Vector Machines, or, Another
Way to Look at Margin-Like Quantities
" TR 1006, April 1999. Expanded
version of TR1006 posted here February 1999.
With revisions in `Advances in Large
Margin Classifiers, Smola, Bartlett, Scholkopf and Schurmans,
eds., MIT Press (2000), 297-309,
- Lin, X., Wahba, G., Xiang, D., Gao, F.
Klein, R. and Klein, B.
Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models for Large Data Sets
With Bernoulli Observations and the Randomized GACV
" TR 998, September 1998. Long version of
TR 997.
Slightly revised version in
Ann. Statist.
28 (2000) 1570-1600.
- Wahba, G., Lin, X., Gao, F., Xiang, D.,
Klein, R. and Klein, B.
The Bias-Variance Tradeoff and the Randomized GACV
" TR 997, Septemter 1998. In Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems 11, M. Kearns, S. Solla and
D. Cohn, Eds, MIT Press (1999) pp 620-626.
- Wahba, G.
Support Vector Machines, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert
Spaces and the Randomized GACV
TR 984rr, July 1998. (Second revision of
version of November 1997). In `Advances in Kernel
Methods - Support Vector Learning', Sch\"olkopf, Burges and Smola (eds.),
MIT Press 1999, 69-88.
- Xiang, D., and Wahba, G.
Approximate Smoothing Spline Methods for Large
Data Sets in the Binary Case
" TR 982, September 1997. In the Proceedings of
the 1997 ASA Joint Statistical Meetings, Biometrics Section,
- Luo, Z. , Wahba, G, and Johnson, D. R.
Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Temperature Using
Smoothing Spline ANOVA
J. Climate 11, 18-28 (1998).
- Luo, Z.
Backfitting in Smoothing Spline ANOVA
"Ann. Statist 1998, 26, 1733-1759
- Wang, Y.
Mixed-Effects Smoothing Spline ANOVA
" TR 967, August 1996, JRSS B, 60, 159-174 (1998).
- Wang, Y.
Smoothing Spline Models With Correlated
Random Errors
" TR 966, August 1996, JASA 93, 341-348 (1998).
- Luo, Z.
Backfitting in Smoothing Spline ANOVA, With Application
to Historical Global Temperature Data
" TR 964, July 1996. PhD. Thesis
- Gong, J., Wahba, G., Johnson, D. R., and Tribbia, J.
Adaptive Tuning of Numerical Weather Prediction Models:
Simultaneous Estimation of Weighting, Smoothing and
Physical Parameters
" TR 963, July 1996,
slightly revised
version Monthly Weather Review 126, 210-231 (1998).
- Xiang, D.
Model Fitting and Testing for Non-Gaussian Data
with a Large Data Set
" TR 957, January 1996. PhD. Thesis
- Wang, Y., Wahba, G., Gu, C., Klein, R. and
Klein, B.
Using Smoothing Spline ANOVA to Examine the Relation of Risk
Factors to the Incidence and Progression of Diabetic
" Statistics in Medicine, 16, 1997, pp. 1357-1376.
- Xiang, D. and Wahba, G.
Testing the Generalized Linear Model Null Hypothesis versus
"Smooth" Alternatives. " TR 953, October 1995.
- Wahba, G. and Luo, Z.
Smoothing Spline ANOVA Fits for Very Large, Nearly
Regular Data Sets, with Application to Historical Global
Climate Data"
TR 952, October 1995.
Slightly revised version
in Annals of Numerical Mathematics 4 (1997) 579-598.
in Honor of Ted Rivlin, C.Micchelli, Ed.)
- Luo, Z. and Wahba, G.
Hybrid Adaptive Splines"
TR 947, June 1995, slightly revised
version has appeared in J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 92, 1997,
pp. 107-116.
- Wang, Y.
Odds Ratio Estimation in Bernoulli Smoothing Spline ANOVA Model"
TR 946, April 1995, has appeared in The Statistician,
46, 1997, 49-56
- Wang, Y.
Fitting Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models for Exponential Families."
TR 942, January 1995. Documentation for GRKPACK. The GRKPACK code
is in
- Wahba, G., Wang, Y., Gu, C., Klein, R. and Klein, B.
Smoothing Spline ANOVA for Exponential Families, with Application to
the Wisconsin Epidemiological Study of Diabetic Retinopathy."
May 1995, Ann. Statist. 23 (1995), 1865-1895.
Expanded and slightly revised version of TR 940, December 1994.
This paper was the basis for the
Neyman Lecture given at the Annual Meeting of the
Institute of Mathematical Statistics at Chapel Hill 1994,
delivered by the first author.
- Xiang, D. and Wahba, G.
A Generalized Approximate Cross Validation for Smoothing Splines
with Non-Gaussian Data." TR 930, September 1994, slightly
revised version,
Statistica Sinica, 6, 1996, pp.675-692.
- Wahba, G., Wang, Y., Gu, C., Klein, R. and Klein, B.
Structured Machine Learning for `Soft' Classification with
Smoothing Spline ANOVA and Stacked Tuning, Testing and Evaluation.
" In `Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 6, J. Cowan,
G. Tesauro and J. Alspector, Eds., 1994, Morgan Kauffman, pp. 415-422.
- Wahba, G."
Generalization and Regularization in Nonlinear Learning Systems.
" TR 921, May, 1994. In the
Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, Michael Arbib,
The MIT PRESS, 1995, pp. 426-430.
- Wahba, G., Johnson, D. R., Gao, F. and Gong, J.
Adaptive tuning of numerical weather prediction models: Part I:
randomized GCV and related methods in three and four dimensional data
assimilation." TR 920, April 1994.
version Monthly Weather Review, 123 (1995), 3358-3369,
under the title `Adaptive Tuning of Numerical Weather Prediction
Models: Randomized GCV in Three-and Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation.
- Wang, Y. and Wahba, G.
Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Smoothing Splines and their
Comparison to Bayesian Confidence Intervals."
TR 913, January 1994, slightly revised version in
J. Statistical Computation and Simulation, 51 (1995) 263-279.
- Wahba, G. and Wang, Y."
Behavior near zero of the distribution of GCV smoothing parameter
estimates." TR 910, December 1993. Has appeared in Statistics and
Probability Letters, 25 (1995) 105-111.
- Gao, F."On
Combining Data from Multiple Sources with Unknown Relative
Weights." TR 894 (Rev), February 1993. Revised version appears
in Commun. Statist. T
heor. Meth., 23, 1994, pp. 1665-1698, as `Fitting smoothing splines to
data from multiple sources with unknown relative weights'
- Wahba, G., Gu, C., Wang, Y. and Chappell, R.
Soft Classification, a.k.a. Risk Estimation, via Penalized Log
Likelihood and Smoothing Spline Analysis of Variance.
" TR 899, January 1993. (Some typographical errors corrected on
October 11, 1993.) In `Computational Learning Theory and
Natural Learning Systems', Volume 3, T. Petsche, Ed, MIT Press
pp. 127-158. Reprinted in `The Mathematics of
Generalization', D. Wolpert, Ed., Santa Fe Institute Studies in the
Sciences of Complexity, Proc. Vol. XX, Addison-Wesley, pp. 329-360,
- Gu, C., and Wahba, G.
Smoothing Spline ANOVA with Componennt-Wise Bayesian `Confidence
Intervals' "J. Computational and Graphical
Statistics 2, 1993, pp. 97-117.
- Gu, C., and Wahba, G.
Semiparametric Analysis of Variance with Tensor Product
Thin Plate Splines
"JRSS B 55, 1993, 353-368.