Grace Wahba Picture Gallery
Gabor Szekely visits the Thursday group plus friends.
(l. to r.) Stephen Stanhope(Ne), Lane Burgette(No), Whipple Neely(No), Weiliang Shi(W),
Kevin Eng(Ke/W), Alina Andrei(in front)(p,Ke), Tom Kurtz(in back)(F),
Sunduz Keles(F)(in front), Pei-Fen Kuan(in back)(Ke),
Gabor Szekely(NSF), Grace Wahba (F), Ted Wild(M),
Hector Corrada Bravo(W), Xiwen Ma(W), Lancine Konate(Ku).
Ne=advisor Newton, No=advisor Nordheim, W=advisor Wahba,
Ke=advisor Keles, Ku=advisor Kurtz, M=advisor Mangasarian, F=faculty, p=postdoc.