%reading.txt (hw5) read BEFORE lecture Reading for upcoming lectures: * - in pdf directory topic reading Lect 6 Second variational problem book-Sect 1.3, *kimeldorf.wahba.pdf polynomial spline as soln to second variational problem, review of matrix decompositions Lect 7 Choosing the smoothing parameter book-Chap 4, *craven.wahba.pdf (Gaussian noise) *heckman.ramsay.pdf Lect 8 The thin plate spline book-Section 2.4 *wahba.wendelberger.pdf *gu.wahba.tps.93.pdf Lect 9 Properties of the GCV estimate book Chap 4 book = Spline Models for Observational Data, SIAM 1990 Available online with your net id. Search for Spline at http://epubs.siam.org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/ebooks *these papers are in the pdf1 directory.