surveys <- read.csv("",
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Split-apply-combine using dplyr

library(dplyr)    ## load the package
surveys %>%
  filter(taxa == "Rodent",
         ! %>%
  group_by(sex,genus) %>%
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight))
## # A tibble: 28 x 3
## # Groups:   sex [?]
##      sex           genus mean_weight
##    <chr>           <chr>       <dbl>
##  1           Chaetodipus    19.81250
##  2             Dipodomys    81.37143
##  3               Neotoma   167.68750
##  4             Onychomys    23.42857
##  5           Perognathus     6.00000
##  6            Peromyscus    19.87500
##  7       Reithrodontomys    11.08333
##  8              Sigmodon    70.33333
##  9     F         Baiomys     9.16129
## 10     F     Chaetodipus    23.76382
## # ... with 18 more rows

Split-apply-combine using dplyr and tidyr


Here we use spread() from the tidyr package. This gives a more compact, if wider, table summary.

surveys %>%
  filter(taxa == "Rodent",
         ! %>%
  group_by(sex,genus) %>%
  summarize(mean_weight = mean(weight)) %>%
  spread(sex, mean_weight)
## # A tibble: 10 x 4
##              genus        ``          F          M
##  *           <chr>     <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1         Baiomys        NA   9.161290   7.357143
##  2     Chaetodipus  19.81250  23.763824  24.712219
##  3       Dipodomys  81.37143  55.244360  56.243034
##  4         Neotoma 167.68750 154.282209 165.652893
##  5       Onychomys  23.42857  26.780959  26.246466
##  6     Perognathus   6.00000   8.574803   8.204182
##  7      Peromyscus  19.87500  22.491649  20.644279
##  8 Reithrodontomys  11.08333  11.220080  10.159941
##  9        Sigmodon  70.33333  71.696000  61.336842
## 10    Spermophilus        NA  57.000000 130.000000

Here is a simpler tidy example to just count how many records with weigth by genus and sex.

surveys %>%
  filter(taxa == "Rodent",
         ! %>%
  count(sex, genus) %>%
  spread(sex, n)
## # A tibble: 10 x 4
##              genus    ``     F     M
##  *           <chr> <int> <int> <int>
##  1         Baiomys    NA    31    14
##  2     Chaetodipus    16  3201  2627
##  3       Dipodomys    35  6826  8649
##  4         Neotoma    16   652   484
##  5       Onychomys     7  1502  1627
##  6     Perognathus     4   762   813
##  7      Peromyscus     8   958  1206
##  8 Reithrodontomys    12  1245  1363
##  9        Sigmodon     3   125    95
## 10    Spermophilus    NA     1     1

Split-apply-combine using split, purrr and tidyr

The purrr package works on lists (which includes data frames), giving great generality to what objects might be in the lists. Below we show two examples.


In the first example, for each genus, we fit a linear model with lm() and extract the "r.squared" element from the summary() of the fit. Note the use of split() to split the data frame into a list of data frames, one per genus. The map() function from purrr returns a list, while the map_dbl() function returns a vector.

surveys %>%
  filter(taxa == "Rodent",
         ! %>%
  select(genus,weight,sex) %>%
  split(.$genus) %>%
  map(~ lm(weight ~ sex, data=.)) %>%
  map(summary) %>%
##         Baiomys     Chaetodipus       Dipodomys         Neotoma 
##     0.164529171     0.003305788     0.001992282     0.016659203 
##       Onychomys     Perognathus      Peromyscus Reithrodontomys 
##     0.002306456     0.003560761     0.042744223     0.054463691 
##        Sigmodon    Spermophilus 
##     0.038990704     1.000000000

Note that for Spermophilus, the \(R^2\) of 1 reflects that there are only two records, one male and one female (see table above in tidyr section).

There were three calls to purrr functions. The first map(~ lm()) call creates a list of "lm" objects; the second map(summary) call creates a list of "summary.lm" objects; the third map_dbl() creates a vector of double-precision values.

The following more complicated example takes the coef() of the lm() fits to get the estimates of coefficients. These coefficients have to be converted into a data frame, and then the data frames are bound together using bind_rows().

surveys %>%
  filter(taxa == "Rodent",
         ! %>%
  select(genus,weight,sex) %>%
  split(list(.$genus)) %>%
  map(~ lm(weight ~ sex, data=.)) %>%
  map(coef) %>%
  map(function(x) data.frame(level = names(x), estimate = x,
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) %>%
  bind_rows(.id = "genus")
##              genus       level    estimate
## 1          Baiomys (Intercept)   9.1612903
## 2          Baiomys        sexM  -1.8041475
## 3      Chaetodipus (Intercept)  19.8125000
## 4      Chaetodipus        sexF   3.9513238
## 5      Chaetodipus        sexM   4.8997193
## 6        Dipodomys (Intercept)  81.3714286
## 7        Dipodomys        sexF -26.1270688
## 8        Dipodomys        sexM -25.1283947
## 9          Neotoma (Intercept) 167.6875000
## 10         Neotoma        sexF -13.4052914
## 11         Neotoma        sexM  -2.0346074
## 12       Onychomys (Intercept)  23.4285714
## 13       Onychomys        sexF   3.3523873
## 14       Onychomys        sexM   2.8178945
## 15     Perognathus (Intercept)   6.0000000
## 16     Perognathus        sexF   2.5748031
## 17     Perognathus        sexM   2.2041820
## 18      Peromyscus (Intercept)  19.8750000
## 19      Peromyscus        sexF   2.6166493
## 20      Peromyscus        sexM   0.7692786
## 21 Reithrodontomys (Intercept)  11.0833333
## 22 Reithrodontomys        sexF   0.1367470
## 23 Reithrodontomys        sexM  -0.9233920
## 24        Sigmodon (Intercept)  70.3333333
## 25        Sigmodon        sexF   1.3626667
## 26        Sigmodon        sexM  -8.9964912
## 27    Spermophilus (Intercept)  57.0000000
## 28    Spermophilus        sexM  73.0000000

The following is the same idea as above, but using summary() rather than coef(). We also spread() the data for a more compact table.

surveys %>%
  filter(taxa == "Rodent",
         ! %>%
  select(genus,weight,sex) %>%
  split(list(.$genus)) %>%
  map(~ lm(weight ~ sex, data=.)) %>%
  map(summary) %>%
  map(function(x) {
    out <-$coefficients[,1, drop = FALSE])
    out$level <- row.names(out)
    out[, 2:1]
    }) %>%
  bind_rows(.id = "genus") %>%
  spread(level, Estimate)
##              genus (Intercept)       sexF        sexM
## 1          Baiomys     9.16129         NA  -1.8041475
## 2      Chaetodipus    19.81250   3.951324   4.8997193
## 3        Dipodomys    81.37143 -26.127069 -25.1283947
## 4          Neotoma   167.68750 -13.405291  -2.0346074
## 5        Onychomys    23.42857   3.352387   2.8178945
## 6      Perognathus     6.00000   2.574803   2.2041820
## 7       Peromyscus    19.87500   2.616649   0.7692786
## 8  Reithrodontomys    11.08333   0.136747  -0.9233920
## 9         Sigmodon    70.33333   1.362667  -8.9964912
## 10    Spermophilus    57.00000         NA  73.0000000