Statistical Genomics Course Reading & References
Reading for this course will come from the following (with permission of
- ZB Zeng
(2000) Unpublished Course Notes on QTLs. This will be central to the
first half of the course. Available at DoIT Center by
mon 15 jan 2001. [I have ordered 25 copies; 15 people are currently
registered, and I expect auditors.]
- Recent and key articles, both published and in preprint form.
- M Lynch and B Walsh (1997)
Fundamentals of Quantitative Genetics.
ISBN 0-87893-481-2.
(see additional
notes with updated material for Part II. Quantitative Trait Loci)
This list will grow. There are a few books and lots of papers.
Note that I include some references on linkage disequilibrium and
pedigree analysis, although we are unlikely to cover this during the
- Genetic Linkage & Linkage Maps
- Likelihood-Based Methodology
- Complex Traits, QTLs & Polygenes
- Data Resampling & Simulation
- Combining Data Across Experiments
- Microarray Expression Data Analysis
- Lander and Green (1987)
Construction of multilocus genetic linkage maps in humans''
PNAS 84: 2363-2367.
- NE Morton (1995) LODs past and present.
Genetics 140: 7-12.
- CJ Basten, BS Weir and Z-B Zeng (1995)
A tutorial and reference manual for QTL Cartographer'',
Center for Quantitative Genetics, NC St U.
[Paper | Software | Data]
- Jansen and Stam (1994)
High resolution of quantitative traits into multiple loci
via interval mapping.
Genetics 136: 1447-1455.
- C Haley and S Knott (1992)
A simple regression method for mapping quantitative trait loci
of linked factors.
J Genetics 8: 299-309.
- C Haley, S Knott and Elsen (1994)
Mapping quantitative trait loci in crosses between outbred
lines using least squares.
Genetics 136: 1195-1207.
- Lander and Botstein (1989)
Mapping Mendelian factors underlying quantitative traits
using RFLP linkage maps.
Genetics 121: 185-199.
- J Liu, JM Mercer, LF Stam, GC Gibson, ZB
Zeng, and CC Laurie (1996)
Genetic analysis of a morphological shape difference in the male
genitalia of Drosophila simulans and D. mauritiana.
Genetics 142: 1129-1145.
- AH Paterson (1995)
Molecular dissection of quantitative traits: progress and
Genome Res 5: 321-333.
- Z-B Zeng (1993)
Theoretical basis of separation of multiple linked gene effects
on mapping quantitative trait loci.
PNAS USA 90: 10972-10976.
- Z-B Zeng (1994)
Precision mapping of quantitative trait loci.
Genetics 136: 1457-1468.
- J-L Janninka and R Jansen (2001)
Mapping Epistatic Quantitative Trait Loci With One-Dimensional Genome
Genetics 157: 445-454.
- C Jansen (1990)
A general Monte Carlo method for mapping multiple quantitative
trait loci. Genetics 142: 305-311.
- True JR, Liu JJ, Stam LF, Zeng ZB, Laurie CC (1997)
Quantitative genetic analysis of divergence in male secondary
sexual traits between Drosophila simulans and Drosophila
Evolution 51: 816-832.
- Zeng ZB, Liu JJ, Stam LF, Kao CH, Mercer JM, Laurie CC (2000)
Genetic architecture of a morphological shape difference between
two drosophila species. Genetics 154: 299-310.
- Zeng ZB, Kao CH, Basten CJ (1999) Estimating the genetic
architecture of quantitative traits.
Genetical Res. 74 (3), 279-289, 1999.
- GA Churchill and RW Doerge (1994)
Empirical threshold values for quantitative trait mapping.
Genetics 138: 963-971.
- Doerge RW and Churchill GA (1996)
Permutation tests for multiple loci affecting a quantitative
character. Genetics 142: 285-294.
- Jansen, R.C. (1993) Interval mapping of multiple quantitative
trait loci.
Genetics 1993 135: 205-211.
- L Kruglyak and ES Lander (1995)
A nonparametric approach for mapping quantitative trait loci.
Genetics 139: 1421-1428.
- JM Satagopan, BS Yandell, MA Newton and TC Osborn (1995)
Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to detect polygene loci for
complex traits.
Genetics 144: 805-816.
- Bernardo R (1995)
Genetic models for predicting maize single-cross performance
in unbalanced yield trial data. Crop Science 35: 141-147.
- Fisch RD, Ragot M and Gay G (1996)
A generalization of the mixture model in the mapping of
quantitative trait loci for progeny from a biparental cross of
inbred lines. Genetics 143:571-577.
- C Jiang and Z-B Zeng (1995)
Multiple trait analysis of genetic mapping for quantitative
trait loci.
Genetics 140: 1111-1127.
- Liu YF and Zeng ZB (2000)
A general mixture model approach for mapping quantitative
trait loci from diverse cross designs involving multiple
inbred lines.
Genet Res 75: 345-355.
- Zou F and Yandell BS (2000)
QTL analysis for combined lines.
(Again, we will probably not have lectures on this topic.)
- Devlin B, Risch N (1995) A comparison of linkage disequilibrium
measures for fine-scale mapping. Genomics 29: 311-322.
- Devlin B, Risch N and Roeder K (1996)
Disequilibrium mapping: Composite likelihood for pairwise
disequilibrium. Genomics 36: 1-16.
- Guo S-W, Xiong M (1997) Estimating the age of mutant disease alleles
based on linkage disequilibrium. Hum Hered 47: 315-337.
- Hästbacka J, de la Chapelle A, Kaitila I, Sistonen P, Weaver W, Lander ES
(1992) Linkage disequilibrium mapping in isolated founder
populations: diastrophic dysplasia in Finland. Nat Genet 2:
- Hästbacka J, de la Chapelle A, Mahtani MM, Clines G, Reeve-Daly MP,
Daly M, Hamilton BA, et al (1994) The diastrophic dysplasia gene
encodes a novel sulfate transporter: positional cloning by fine-structure
linkage disequilibrium mapping. Cell 78: 1073-1087.
- Huang, J and Jiang Y, (2000)
The score statistic of the LD-LOD analysis: Detecting linkage
adaptive to linkage disequilibrium.
Human Heredity 00: 000-000.
- Kaplan NL, Hill WG, Weir BS (1995) Likelihood methods for locating
disease genes in nonequilibrium populations. Am J Hum Genet
56: 18-32.
- Kaplan NL, Weir BS (1995) Are moment bounds on the recombination
fraction between a marker and disease locus too good to be true?
allelic association mapping revisited for simple genetic diseases in the
Finnish population. Am J Hum Genet 57: 1486-1498.
- Kingman JFC (1982) The coalescent. Stochastic Proc Appl 13: 235-248.
- Laitinen T, Kauppi P, Ignatius J, Ruotsalainen T, Daly MJ, Kääriäinen H,
Kruglyak L, et al (1997) Genetic control of serum IgE levels and
asthma: linkage and linkage disequilibrium studies in an isolated
population. Hum Mol Genet 6: 2069-2076.
- Rannala B, Slatkin M (1998) Likelihood analysis of disequilibrium
mapping, and related problems. Am J Hum Genet 62: 459-473.
- Slatkin, M (1999) Disequilibrium mapping of a quantitative trait
locus in an expanding population. Am J Hum Gen 64:
- Thompson EA, Neel JV (1978)
- Thompson EA, Neel JV (1997) Allelic disequilibrium and allele
frequency distribution as a function of social and demographic history.
Am J Hum Genet 60: 197-204.
- Xiong M, Guo S-W (1997) Fine-scale genetic mapping based on linkage
disequilibrium: theory and applications. Am J Hum Genet
60: 1513-1531.
- Claverie, J. (1999) Computational methods for the
identification of differential and coordinated gene
expression. Human Molecular Genetics 8:
- Hilsenbeck SG, Friedrichs WE, Schiff R, O'Connell P,
Hansen RK, Osborne CK, and Fuqua SAW (1999)
Statistical analysis of array expression data as applied to
the problem of tamoxifen resistance. J.N.C.I. 91: 453-459.
- Hughes TR, Marton MJ, Jones AR, Roberts CJ, Stoughton R, Armour
CD, Bennett HA, Coffey E, Dai HY, He YDD, Kidd MJ, King AM,
Meyer MR, Slade D, Lum PY, Stepaniants SB, Shoemaker DD,
Gachotte D, Chakraburtty K, Simon J, Bard M, Friend SH (2000)
Functional discovery via a compendium of expression
profiles. Cell 102: 109-126.
[Data (80Mb)]
- ST Nadler, JP Stoehr, KL Schueler, G Tanimoto, BS Yandell and AD Attie
(2000) The expression of adipogenic genes is decreased in obesity and
Diabetes mellitus. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 97: 11371-11376.
- Roberts CJ, Nelson B, Marton MJ, Stoughton R, Meyer MR, Bennett
HA, He YDD, Dai HY, Walker WL, Hughes TR, Tyers M, Boone C,
Friend SH (2000) Signaling and circuitry of multiple MAPK
pathways revealed by a matrix of global gene expression
profiles. Science 287: 873-880.
[Data (7.5Mb)]
- Spellman PT, Sherlock G, Zhang MQ, Iyer VR,
Anders K, Eisen MB, Brown PO, Botstein D and
Futcher B (1998) Comprehensive identification of cell
cycle-regulated genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by
microarray hybridization. Molecular Biology of the Cell 9:
- Wittes J, and Friedman HP (1999) Searching for evidence
of altered gene expression: a comment on statistical analysis
of microarray data. J.N.C.I. 91: 400-401.
- Dudoit, S., J. Fridlyand, and T.P. Speed (2000) Comparison of
discrimination methods for the classification of tumors using gene
expression data. Technical Report, Department of Statistics, UC-Berkeley.
- Eisen MB, Spellman PT, Brown PO, Botstein D (1998) Cluster
analysis and display of genome-wide expression patterns.
PNAS 95: 14863-14868.
- Getz G, Levine E, and Domany E (2000) Coupled two-way
clustering analysis of gene microarray data. PNAS 97:
- Golub TR, Slonim DK, Tamayo P, Huard C, Gaasenbeek M, Mesirov JP,
Coller H, Loh ML, Downing JR, Caligiuri MA, Bloomfield CD,
Lander ES (1999) Molecular classification of cancer: Class
discovery and class prediction by gene expression
monitoring. Science 286: 531-537.
- Kerr, M.K., and G.A. Churchill (2000a) Bootstrapping cluster analysis:
Assessing the reliability of conclusions from microarray experiments.
Technical Report, Jackson Laboratory.
- Lazzeroni, L. and Owen, A.B. (2000) Plaid models for gene
expression data.
TR, Department of Statistics, Stanford U, August 2000.
- Hastie T, R
Tibshirani, D Botstein and P Brown, (2000)
Supervised harvesting of expression trees.
TR, Department of Statistics, Stanford U, August 2000.
- Tamayo P, Slonim D, Mesirov J, Zhu Q, Kitareewan S, Dmitrovsky
E, Lander ES, Golub TR (1999) Interpreting patterns of gene
expression with self-organizing maps: Methods and application
to hematopoietic differentiation. PNAS 96: 2907-2912.
- Tibshirani, R., T. Hastie, M. Eisen, D. Ross, D. Botstein, and P. Brown
(1999) Clustering methods for the analysis of DNA microarray data.
Technical Report, Department of Statistics, Stanford U.
- Van der Laan, M.J. and J.F. Bryan 2000. Gene expression analysis with the
parametric bootstrap. Technical Report, Biostatistics Program.
UC Berkeley.
- Alter O, Brown P, and Botstein D (2000) Singular value
decomposition for genome-wide expression data processing and
modeling. PNAS 97: 10101-10106.
- West, M., J.R. Nevins, J.R. Marks, R. Spang, and
H.Zuzan (2000). Bayesian regression analysis in the "large p,
small n" paradigm with application in DNA microarray studies.
Technical Report, Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences, Duke
- Dudoit, S., Y.H. Yang, M.J. Callow, and T.P. Speed (2000)
Statistical methods for identifying differentially
expressed genes in replicated cDNA microarray experiments.
Technical Report, Department of Statistics, UC-Berkeley.
- Efron, B., R. Tibshirani, V. Goss, and G. Chu. Microarrays and
their use in a comparative experiment. Technical Report,
Department of Statistics, Stanford U.
- Kerr, M.K., and G.A. Churchill (2000b) Experimental design for
gene expression microarrays. Technical Report, Jackson Laboratory.
- Kerr, M.K., Martin, M. and G.A. Churchill (2000c) Analysis of
variance for gene expression microarray data.
Technical Report, Jackson Laboratory.
- Lee, M.L.T., F.C. Kuo, G.A. Whitmore, and J. Sklar (2000)
Importance of replication in microarray gene expression
studies: statistical methods and evidence from repetitive
cDNA hybridizations. PNAS 97, 9834-9839.
- Lin Y, Nadler ST, Attie AD and Yandell BS (2001)
Mining for low-abundance transcripts in microarray data.
TR 1031, Department of Statistics, U WI Madison.
- Newton, M.A., C.M. Kendziorski, C.S. Richmond, F.R. Blattner, and K.W.
Tsui (2001) On differential variability of expression ratios: Improving
statistical inference about gene expression changes from microarray data.
J. Comp. Biol. 8 (1). To appear.
- Y.H. Yang, M. J. Buckley, S. Dudoit and T.P.Speed. Comparison of
methods for image analysis on cDNA microarray data. November 2000.
Technical Report, Department of Statistics, UC-Berkeley.
- See also the UW
Gene Expression Data Analysis (GEDA) List of Microarray Literature
Return to Statistical Genomics.
Last modified: Tue Sep 1 11:33:51 1998 by Brian Yandell