From: Lyman B Crittenden ( Date: Thu, 28 Apr 1994 10:04:06 -0400 (EDT) JOURNAL REFS. (MAPPING REVIEWS AND METHODS) NLM 4/94 1. Berger BD; Greenberg DA; Hodge SE; Mendell NR. The application of jackknife statistics to estimates of the recombination fraction. Genet Epidemiol. 10:471-6, 1993. Department of Preventive Medicine, State University of New York at Stony Brook 11794-8790. 2. Chakraborty R; Jin L. Determination of relatedness between individuals using DNA fingerprinting. Hum Biol. 65:875-95, 1993 Dec. Center for Demographic and Population Genetics, University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston 77225. 3. Demenais F; Lathrop M. Use of the regressive models in linkage analysis of quantitative traits. Genet Epidemiol. 10:587-92, 1993. Unite de Recherche de Genetique des Maladies Humaines (INSERM U.358), Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain, Paris, France. 4. Kong A; Cox N; Frigge M; Irwin M. Sequential imputation and multipoint linkage analysis. Genet Epidemiol. 10:483-8, 1993. Department of Statistics, University of Chicago, IL 60637. 5. Morton NE. Disomic locus content mapping. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 91:1421-2, 1994 Feb 15. Department of Child Health, University of Southampton, Princess Anne Hospital, United Kingdom. 6. Terwilliger JD; Ott J. A novel polylocus method for linkage analysis using the lod-score or affected sib-pair method. Genet Epidemiol. 10:477-82, 1993. Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University, New York, NY 10032. 7. Wilson AF; Elston RC. Statistical validity of the Haseman-Elston sib-pair test in small samples. Genet Epidemiol. 10:593-8, 1993. Department of Biometry and Genetics, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans 70112.