From crittend@itis.comThu Aug 8 20:57:00 1996 Date: Sat, 03 Aug 1996 19:18:54 -0400 From: Lyman Crittenden To: AnGenMap Subject: August Mapping References [ Part 2: "Attached Text" ] JOURNAL REFS. (MAPPING METHODS AND REVIEWS) NLM 8/96 1. Belknap, J. K.; Mitchell, S. R.; O'Toole, L. A.; Helms, M. L.; Crabbe, J. C. Type I and type II error rates for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies using recombinant inbred mouse strains. Behav Genet. 26:149-60, 1996 Mar. Research Service, VA Medical Center, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland 97201, USA. 2. Boomsma, D. I. Using multivariate genetic modeling to detect pleiotropic quantitative trait loci. Behav Genet. 26:161-6, 1996 Mar. Department of psychonomics, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3. Curtis, D. Genetic dissection of complex traits [letter]. Nat Genet. 12:356-8, 1996 Apr. 4. Davidson, S. B.; Overton, C.; Buneman, P. Challenges in integrating biological data sources. J Comput Biol. 2:557-72, 1995 Winter. Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 19104, USA. 5. Diatchenko, L.; Lau, Y. F.; Campbell, A. P.; Chenchik, A.; Moqadam, F.; Huang, B.; Lukyanov, S.; Lukyanov, K.; Gurskaya, N.; Sverdlov, E. D.; Siebert, P. D. Suppression subtractive hybridization: a method for generating differentially regulated or tissue-specific cDNA probes and libraries. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 93:6025-30, 1996 Jun 11. CLONTECH Laboratories, Inc., Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA. 6. Dizier, M. H.; Babron, M. C.; Clerget-Darpoux, F. Conclusion of LOD-score analysis for family data generated under two-locus models. Am J Hum Genet. 58:1338-46, 1996 Jun. Unite de Recherches d'Epidemiologie Genetique, INSERM U155 Paris, France. 7. Genin, E.; Clerget-Darpoux, F. Association studies in consanguineous populations. Am J Hum Genet. 58:861-6, 1996 Apr. INSERM U 155 and Insitut National d'Etudes Demographiques, Paris, France. 8. Kruglyak, L.; Lander, E. S. Limits on fine mapping of complex traits [letter]. Am J Hum Genet. 58:1092-3, 1996 May. 9. Lin, Z.; Cui, X.; Li, H. Multiplex genotype determination at a large number of gene loci. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 93:2582-7, 1996 Mar 19. Coriell Institute for Medical Research, Camden, NJ 08103, USA. 10. Mackinnon, M. J.; Weller, J. I. Methodology and accuracy of estimation of quantitative trait loci parameters in a half-sib design using maximum likelihood. Genetics. 141:755-70, 1995 Oct. Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 11. Pennisi, E. >From genes to genome biology [news]. Science. 272:1736-8, 1996 Jun 21. 12. Risch, N. J.; Zhang, H. Mapping quantitative trait loci with extreme discordant sib pairs: sampling considerations. Am J Hum Genet. 58:836-43, 1996 Apr. Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305-5120, USA. 13. Simple minds and complex traits [editorial]. Nat Genet. 13:131-2, 1996 Jun. 14. Smalley, S. L.; Woodward, J. A.; Palmer, C. G. A general statistical model for detecting complex-trait loci by using affected relative pairs in a genome search. Am J Hum Genet. 58:844-60, 1996 Apr. University of California, Los Angeles 90024, USA. 15. Speicher, M. R.; Gwyn Ballard, S.; Ward, D. C. Karyotyping human chromosomes by combinatorial multi-fluor FISH. Nat Genet. 12:368-75, 1996 Apr. Department of Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06510, USA. 16. Toyota, M.; Canzian, F.; Ushijima, T.; Hosoya, Y.; Kuramoto, T.; Serikawa, T.; Imai, K.; Sugimura, T.; Nagao, M. A rat genetic map constructed by representational difference analysis markers with suitability for large-scale typing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 93:3914-9, 1996 Apr 30. Carcinogenesis Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan. 17. Venter, J. C.; Smith, H. O.; Hood, L. A new strategy for genome sequencing. Nature. 381:364-6, 1996 May 30. Institute for Genomic Research, Rockville, Maryland 20850, USA. 18. Witte, J. S.; Elston, R. C.; Schork, N. J. Genetic dissection of complex traits [letter]. Nat Genet. 12:355-6; discussion 357-8, 1996 Apr.  [ Part 3: "Attached Text" ] ********************************************************************* Lyman B. Crittenden Phone ADOL: 608-251-1676 Margaret H. Crittenden 634 Emerson St., Madison, WI 53715 e-mail: ********************************************************************