From Sun Aug 2 18:38:20 1998 Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 17:35:12 -0500 (CDT) From: Animal Gene Mapping Discussion Group To: Subject: August 1998 Mapping References From: Lyma / Margaret Crittede JOURNAL REFS. (MAPPING METHODS AND REVIEWS) NLM 8/98 1. Aver, P. Complex traits ad polygeic iheritace i the mouse. Methods. 14:191-8, 1998 Feb. Uite de Geetique Moleculaire Murie, CNRS URA 1968, Istitut Pasteur, Paris, Frace. 2. Baerjee, S. K.; Westo, A. P.; Persos, D. L.; Campbell, D. R. Quick -FISH: a rapid fluorescece i situ hybridizatio techique for molecular cytogeetic aalysis. Biotechiques. 24:826-30, 1998 May. Molecular Gastroeterology & Pacreatic Cacer Research Uit, V.A. Medical Ceter, Kasas City, MO 64128-2226, USA. 3. Boehm, T. Positioal cloig ad gee idetificatio. Methods. 14:152 -8, 1998 Feb. Deutsches Krebsforschugszetrum, Heidelberg, Germay. 4. Boyd, Y. Geetic mappig of the mouse geome. Methods. 14:120-34, 1998 Feb. MRC Mammalia Geetics Uit, Harwell, Oxo, Uited Kigdom. 5. Durm, M.; Schussler, L.; Much, H.; Craig, J.; Ludwig, H.; Hausma, M.; Cremer, C. Fast-paitig of huma metaphase spreads usig a chromosome-specific, repeat-depleted DNA library probe. Biotechiques. 24:820-5, 1998 May. Uiversity of Heidelberg, Germay. 6. Egele, J. J.; Albrechts, J. C.; Hamers, G. J.; Geraedts, J. P. A simple ad efficiet method for microdissectio ad microFISH. J Med Geet. 35:265-8, 1998 Apr. Departmet of Molecular Cell Biology ad Geetics, Uiversity of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlads. 7. Eppig, J. T.; Blake, J. A.; Davisso, M. T.; Richardso, J. E. Iformatics for mouse geetics ad geome mappig. Methods. 14:179-90, 1998 Feb. Jackso Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maie 04609, USA. 8. Hu, J.; Mugall, C.; Nicholso, D.; Archibald, A. L. Desig ad implemetatio of a CORBA-based geome mappig system prototype. Bioiformatics. 14:112-20, 1998. Rosli Istitute (Ediburgh), Midlothia, UK. 9. Huxley, C. Explorig gee fuctio: use of yeast artificial chromosome trasgeesis. Methods. 14:199-210, 1998 Feb. Departmet of Biochemistry ad Molecular Geetics, Imperial College School of Medicie at St. Mary's, Lodo, Uited Kigdom. 10. Korol, A. B.; Roi, Y. I.; Nevo, E. Approximate aalysis of QTL- eviromet iteractio with o limits o the umber of eviromets. Geetics. 148:2015-28, 1998 Apr. Istitute of Evolutio, Uiversity of Haifa, Mout Carmel, Israel. 11. Michaels, S. D.; Amasio, R. M. A robust method for detectig sigle- ucleotide chages as polymorphic markers by PCR. Plat J. 14:381-5, 1998 May. Departmet of Biochemistry, Uiversity of Wiscosi-Madiso 53706, USA. 12. Neff, M. M.; Neff, J. D.; Chory, J.; Pepper, A. E. dCAPS, a simple techique for the geetic aalysis of sigle ucleotide polymorphisms: experimetal applicatios i Arabidopsis thaliaa geetics. Plat J. 14:387-92, 1998 May. Plat Biology Laboratory, Salk Istitute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. 13. Soller, M.; Adersso, L. Geomic approaches to the improvemet of disease resistace i farm aimals. Rev Sci Tech. 17:329-45, 1998 Apr. Silberma Life Scieces Istitute, Departmet of Geetics, Hebrew Uiversity of Jerusalem, Israel. 14. Weissebach, J.; Betolila, S. Itegratig maps requires itegrated data. Nat Biotechol. 14:678, 1996 Ju. Geetho, CNRS URA 1922, Evry, Frace. 15. Xie, C.; Xu, S. Efficiecy of multistage marker-assisted selectio i the improvemet of multiple quatitative traits. Heredity. 80 ( Pt 4):489 -98, 1998 Apr. Departmet of Botay ad Plat Sciece, Uiversity of Califoria, Riverside 92521-0124, USA. ********************************************************************* Lyma B. Crittede Phoe: 608-798-0791 Margaret H. Crittede 8550 Highway 19, Cross Plais WI 53528-9300, USA e-mail: *********************************************************************