From Tue Dec 15 08:54:52 1998 Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 16:44:43 -0500 From: Lyman / Margaret Crittenden Reply-To: To: Multiple Recipients of Subject: [ANGENMAP] Corrected 12/98 mapping references [The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set] [Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set] [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly] *************************************************************************** This is AnGenMap Discussion Mailing List | Mail distributed to >600 members - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Send mail to for technical help Use keywords in the Subject: subscription/ unsubscription/ help/ info *************************************************************************** PLEASE DISREGARD THE 12/98 MAPPING REFERENCES SENT TO YOU ON 12/11/98 AND USE THOSE IN THIS MESSAGE. (12/14/98) This was due to the year end changes in key words at the National Library of Medicine and our changes in search strategies, and our missunderstanding of dates. JOURNAL REFS. (MAPPING METHODS AND REVIEWS) NLM 12/98 *CORRECTE 1. Bentley, D. R.; Pruitt, K. D.; Deloukas, P.; Schuler, G. D.; Ostell, J. Coordination of human genome sequencing via a consensus framework map. Trends Genet. 1998 Oct. 2. Borsani, G.; Ballabio, A.; Banfi, S. A practical guide to orient yourself in the labyrinth of genome databases. Hum Mol Genet. 1998.^¿ 3. Bridger, J. M.; Bickmore, W. A. Putting the genome on the map. Trends Genet. 1998 Oct. 4. Brockmann, G. A.; Haley, C. S.; Renne, U.; Knott, S. A.; Schwerin, M. Quantitative trait loci affecting body weight and fatness from a mouse line selected for extreme high growth. Genetics. 1998 Sep. 5. Cheung, K. H.; Nadkarni, P. M.; Shin, D. G. A metadata approach to query interoperation between molecular biology databases. Bioinformatics. 1998. 6. Deloukas, P.; Schuler, G. D.; Gyapay, G.; Beasley, E. M.; Soderlund, C.; Rodriguez-Tome, P.; Hui, L.; Matise, T. C.; McKusick, K. B.; Beckmann, J. S.; Bentolila, S.; Bihoreau, M.; Birren, B. B.; Browne, J.; Butler, A.; Castle, A. B.; Chiannilkulchai, N.; Clee, C.; Day, P. J.; Dehejia, A.; Dibling, T.; Drouot, N.; Duprat, S.; Fizames, C.; Bentley, D. R.; et, a. l. A physical map of 30,000 human genes. Science. 1998 Oct 23.^¿ 7. Eisenberg, R. S. Do EST patents matter? Trends Genet. 1998 Oct. 8. Gale, M. D.; Devos, K. M. Plant comparative genetics after 10 years. Science. 1998 Oct 23. 9. Garcia-Dorado, A.; Marin, J. M. Minimum distance estimation of mutational parameters for quantitative traits. Biometrics. 1998 Sep. 10. Grimes, B.; Cooke, H. Engineering mammalian chromosomes. Hum Mol Genet. 1998. 11. Henke, L.; Henke, J. Separation of PCR fragments by means of dirct blotting electrophoresis. Methods Mol Biol. 1998. 12. Heringa, J. Detection of internal repeats: how common are they? Curr Opin Struct Biol. 1998 Jun. 13. Lebreton, C. M.; Visscher, P. M.; Haley, C. S.; Semikhodskii, A.; Quarrie, S. A. A nonparametric bootstrap method for testing close linkage vs. pleiotropy of coincident quantitative trait loci. Genetics. 1998 Oct. 14. Liang, S.; Fuhrman, S.; Somogyi, R. Reveal, a general reverse engineering algorithm for inference of genetic network architectures. Pac Symp Biocomput. 1998. 15. Lindgren, G.; Sandberg, K.; Persson, H.; Marklund, S.; Breen, M.; Sandgren, B.; Carlsten, J.; Ellegren, H. A primary male autosomal linkage map of the horse genome. Genome Res. 1998 Sep. 16. Liu, Q.; Sommer, S. S. The SSCP phenomenon: addition of HEPES buffer dramatically affects electrophoretic mobility. Biotechniques. 1998 Jul. 17. McEvoy, C. R.; Seshadri, R.; Firgaira, F. A. Large DNA fragment sizing using native acrylamide gels on an automated DNA sequencer and GENESCAN software. Biotechniques. 1998 Sep. 18. Meinke, D. W.; Cherry, J. M.; Dean, C.; Rounsley, S. D.; Koornneef, M. Arabidopsis thaliana: a model plant for genome analysis. Science. 1998 Oct 23. 19. Morling, N. Amplification of short tandem repeat loci using PCR. Methods Mol Biol. 1998. 20. Nakamura, Y.; Koyama, K.; Matsushima, M. VNTR (variable number of tandem repeat) sequences as transcriptional, translational, or functional regulators. J Hum Genet. 1998. 21. Perez, T.; Albornoz, J.; Dominguez, A. An evaluation of RAPD fragment reproducibility and nature. Mol Ecol. 1998 Oct. 22. Pruitt, K. D. WebWise: guide to the joint genome institute web site. Genome Res. 1998 Sep. 23. Rao, S.; Xu, S. Mapping quantitative trait loci for ordered categorical traits in four-way crosses. Heredity. 1998 Aug. 24. Rhee, S. Y.; Weng, S.; Flanders, D.; Cherry, J. M.; Dean, C.; Lister, C.; Anderson, M.; Koornneef, M.; Meinke, D. W.; Nickle, T.; Smith, K.; Rounsley, S. D. Genome maps 9. Arabidopsis thaliana. Wall chart. Science. 1998 Oct 23. 25. Rubin, G. M. The Drosophila genome project: a progress report. Trends Genet. 1998 Sep. 26. Schibler, L.; Vaiman, D.; Oustry, A.; Giraud-Delville, C.; Cribiu, E. P. Comparative gene mapping: a fine-scale survey of chromosome rearrangements between ruminants and humans. Genome Res. 1998 Sep. 27. Schulze-Kremer, S. Ontologies for molecular biology. Pac Symp Biocomput. 1998. 28. Zinn-Justin, A.; Abel, L. Two-locus developments of the weighted pairwise correlation method for linkage analysis. Genet Epidemiol. 1998. ^Z ********************************************************************* Lyman B. Crittenden Phone: 608-798-0791 Margaret H. Crittenden 8550 Highway 19, Cross Plains WI 53528-9300, USA e-mail: ********************************************************************* +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | U.S. PIG GENOME COORDINATION PROJECT | Paid for by funds from the NRSP8 | | WEB: | USDA/CSREES sponsored Pig Genome | | LIST: | Coordination Program | +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+