From Thu Nov 11 12:11:10 1999 Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 11:51:16 -0600 (CST) From: Lyman / Margaret Crittenden To: Multiple Recipients of Subject: November, 1999 Mapping References Resent-Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 11:51:16 -0600 (CST) Resent-From: ************************************************************************* AnGenMap Discussion Mailing List | Mail distributed to ~600 members - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INFO: ************************************************************************* JOURNAL REFS. (MAPPING METHODS AND REVIEWS) PM 11/99 1. Alcais, A. and Abel, L. Maximum-Likelihood-Binomial method for genetic model-free linkage analysis of quantitative traits in sibships. Genet Epidemiol. 17:102-117, 1999. Medline UID: 99341505 2. Ansari, H. A.; Bosma, A. A.; Broad, T. E.; Bunch, T. D.; Long, S. E.; Maher, D. W.; Pearce, P. D.Popescu, C. P. Standard G-, Q-, and R-banded ideograms of the domestic sheep (Ovis aries): homology with cattle (Bos taurus). Report of the committee for the standardization of the sheep karyotype. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 85:317-24, 1999. ADDRESS: AgResearch Grasslands Research Centre, Palmerston North, New= Zealand. Medline UID: 99380110 3. Breen, C. J.; Barton, L.; Carey, A.; Dunlop, A.; Glancy, M.; Hall, K.; Hegarty, A. M.; Khokhar, M. T.; Power, M.; Ryan, K.; Green, A. J.Stallings, R. L. Applications of comparative genomic hybridisation in constitutional chromosome studies. J Med Genet. 36:511-7, 1999. ADDRESS: National Centre for Medical Genetics, Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland. Medline UID: 99352096 4. Brookes, A. J. The essence of SNPs. Gene. 234:177-86, 1999. ADDRESS: Department of Genetics and Pathology, Biomedical Center, Uppsala University, 751 23, Uppsala, Sweden. Medline UID: 99326492 5. Cho, R. J.; Mindrinos, M.; Richards, D. R.; Sapolsky, R. J.; Anderson, M.; Drenkard, E.; Dewdney, J.; Reuber, T. L.; Stammers, M.; Federspiel, N.; Theologis, A.; Yang, W. H.; Hubbell, E.; Au, M.; Chung, E. Y.; Lashkari, D.; Lemieux, B.; Dean, C.; Lipshutz, R. J.; Ausubel, F. M.; Davis, R. W.Oefner, P. J. Genome-wide mapping with biallelic markers in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nat Genet. 23:203-7, 1999. ADDRESS: Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA. Medline UID: 99438396 6. Christensen, M.; Sunde, L.; Bolund, L.Orntoft, T. F. Comparison of three methods of microsatellite detection. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 59:167-77, 1999. ADDRESS: Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, Denmark. Medline UID: 99325748 7. Davies, S. W.; Eizenman, M.Pasupathy, S. Optimal structure for automatic processing of DNA sequences. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 46:1044-56, 1999. ADDRESS: Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ 07733-3030, USA. Medline UID: 99422735 8. Fishman, M. C. Zebrafish genetics: the enigma of arrival. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96:10554-6, 1999. Medline UID: 99415891 9. Gonen, D.; Veenstra-V, J.; Yang, Z.; Leventhal, B.Cook Jr, E. H. High throughput fluorescent CE-SSCP SNP genotyping. Mol Psychiatry. 4:339-43, 1999. ADDRESS: Laboratory for Developmental Neuroscience, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Chicago, MC3077, 5841 S Maryland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA. ed@yoda.bsd.uchi Medline UID: 99414325 10. Hamilton, M. B.; Pincus, E. L.; Di Fiore, A.Fleischer, R. C. Universal linker and ligation procedures for construction of genomic DNA libraries enriched for microsatellites. Biotechniques. 27:500-2, 504-7, 1999. ADDRESS: Georgetown University, Department of Biology, Washington, DC 20057- 1229, USA. Medline UID: 99419455 11. Huttley, G. A.; Smith, M. W.; Carrington, M.O'Brien, S. J. A scan for linkage disequilibrium across the human genome. Genetics. 152:1711-22, 1999. ADDRESS: Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, Maryland 21702, USA. Medline UID: 99359439 12. Jenkins, G. J.; Takahashi, N.Parry, J. M. Inverse restriction site mutation (iRSM) analysis. Mutation detection involving the formation of restriction enzyme sites in target genes. Mutagenesis. 14:37-42, 1999. ADDRESS: Centre for Molecular Genetics and Toxicology, University of Wales, Swansea, UK. Medline UID: 99404067 13. Lang, B. F.; Seif, E.; Gray, M. W.; O'Kelly, C. J.Burger, G. A comparative genomics approach to the evolution of eukaryotes and their mitochondria. J Eukaryot Microbiol. 46:320-6, 1999. ADDRESS: Departement de biochimie, Universite de Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Medline UID: 99390481 14. Mayraz, G. and Shamir, R. Construction of physical maps from oligonucleotide fingerprints data. J Comput Biol. 6:237-52, 1999. ADDRESS: Department of Computer Science, Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel- Aviv University, Israel. Medline UID: 99347893 15. Morin, P. A.; Saiz, R.Monjazeb, A. High-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping by fluorescent 5' exonuclease assay. Biotechniques. 27:538-40, 542, 544 passim, 1999. ADDRESS: Axys Pharmaceuticals, La Jolla, CA, USA. Medline UID: 99419460 16. Romani, M.; Marchi, J. V.; Banelli, B.Casciano, I. Identification of unique fragments in overlapping large-insert clones by subtraction through representational difference analysis. Anal Biochem. 271:204-7, 1999. ADDRESS: Laboratory of Population Genetics, Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro (IST-Genova), Italy. Medline UID: 99358417 17. Schriml, L. M.; Padilla-Nash, H. M.; Coleman, A.; Moen, P.; Nash, W. G.; Menninger, J.; Jones, G.; Ried, T.Dean, M. Tyramide signal amplification (TSA)-FISH applied to mapping PCR-labeled probes less than 1 kb in size. Biotechniques. 27:608-13, 1999. ADDRESS: National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, USA. Medline UID: 99419465 18. Sornson, M. W. and Rosenfeld, M. G. Genetically directed representational difference analysis-based positional cloning and snorthern analysis of candidate genes. Methods Enzymol. 306:67-89, 1999. ADDRESS: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, La Jolla 92093-0648, USA. Medline UID: 99361013 19. Steen, R. G.; Kwitek-Black, A. E.; Glenn, C.; Gullings-Handley, J.; Van Etten, W.; Atkinson, O. S.; Appel, D.; Twigger, S.; Muir, M.; Mull, T.; Granados, M.; Kissebah, M.; Russo, K.; Crane, R.; Popp, M.; Peden, M.; Matise, T.; Brown, D. M.; Lu, J.; Kingsmore, S.; Tonellato, P. J.; Rozen, S.; Slonim, D.; Young, P.; Jacob, H. J.^=7Fy=80=7F=062. A high-density integrated genetic linkage and radiation hybrid map of the laboratory rat. Genome Res. 9:AP1-8, insert, 1999. ADDRESS: Center for Genome Research, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 USA. Medline UID: 99330965 20. Visscher, P. M. Speed congenics: accelerated genome recovery using genetic markers. Genet Res. 74:81-5, 1999. ADDRESS: Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Medline UID: 99435033 21. Yip, S. P.; Hopkinson, D. A.Whitehouse, D. B. Improvement of SSCP analysis by use of denaturants. Biotechniques. 27:20-2, 24, 1999. ADDRESS: University College London, England, UK. Medline UID: 99335993 22. Zsolnai, A. and Orban, L. Accelerated separation of random complex DNA patterns in gels: comparing the performance of discontinuous and continuous buffers. Electrophoresis. 20:1462-8, 1999. ADDRESS: Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Herceghalom, Hungary. Medline UID: 99351755 ********************************************************************* Lyman B. Crittenden Phone: 608-798-0791 Margaret H. 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