From Wed Dec 15 10:52:14 1999 Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 16:38:31 -0600 (CST) From: Lyman / Margaret Crittenden To: Multiple Recipients of Subject: December, 1999 Mapping References Resent-Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 16:38:31 -0600 (CST) Resent-From: ************************************************************************* AnGenMap Discussion Mailing List | Mail distributed to >600 members ************************************************************************* Holiday Greetings! JOURNAL REFS. (MAPING METHODS AND REVIEWS) 12/99 NLM 1. =09 Complete sequence and gene map of a human major histocompatibility complex. The MHC sequencing consortium [see comments]. Nature. 401:921-3, 1999. Medline UID: 20019336 2. Abreu, P. C.; Greenberg, D. A.Hodge, S. E. Direct power comparisons between simple LOD scores and NPL scores for linkage analysis in complex diseases. Am J Hum Genet. 65:847-57, 1999. ADDRESS: Division of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Columbia University, N.Y., USA. 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