% mkdir /scratch/users/login/rundata/project % mkdir /scratch/users/login/rundata/project_objs
% mkdir /scratch/yandell/rundata % chown yandell /scratch/yandell/rundata
% sources % cd qtlnet/v3
*run* /scratch/htdocs *control* /p/stat/soar/control *sources* /p/stat/soar/sourcesFor soar.stat, all are on soar.stat.wisc.edu for now. Some more detail on these can be found at the end of this document.
% sources % cd qtlnet/v3/rlibs % ./PrepareRLibs.pl qtl_1.16-6.tar.gz,qtlnet_0.9.4.tar.gzThen copy new RLIBS.tar.gz to code directory
% control % ./control --project=any --version=any --kind=newprojectAs long as it sees any project version pair(real or not) this will regenerate the index file and quit.
% ./control --project=qtlhot --version=v1 --kind=newThis type of execution is done every half hour, but statsoar can start at will with this command.
% control % ./control --preproject=natehighres --preversion=v1 --project=DanLewisArabidopsis --version=v1 --kind=install
% control % ./soar_rm --project=xxxxxxxxx --env=29This adjusts the RUNNING to not list this one so it is now neither DONE nor RUNNING.
cp -r /scratch/htdocs/imageruns/qtlnet /scratch/users/yandell/rundata
rundata: Look at stage_qtlhot, qtlhotGENERIC and qtlhot. The stage_qtlhot directory has stage.pl to run the spawned qtlhot children. The qtlhotGENERIC/NEWDATA says to look in /home2/bt/rundata for project qtlhot. In qtlhot, find dataset_blah.
SOAR/sources: Folder qtlhot/v1 has code and jobs directories. The perl scripts in jobs were curated by bt to set up phase1,phase2,phase3. The postjobphase1.pl spawns nruns (read from params.txt file) of dataset_blah-n, n=1:nruns, one for each phase2 run. The phase2 runs each spawn n.split (read from groups.txt file created in phase1, initially read from params.txt in phase1) sub-jobs. Also look at make_job_{dag_text,submits}.pl for the flow of the template.
In order to set up a generic 3-phase run for Aimee, I think I can copy qtlhot and make a few simple mods. If nruns is set to 1, then we can use most of the code. Then different R libraries and code could be dropped in dataset_job files in the qtlruns project. An idea.