This document includes suggestions for data training that might be useful for Thailand moving forward. Some is specific to plant systems genetics, but much concerns the broader challegenes of big data. This will evolve over time.
A huge task with big data is organizing our work, particularly as we realize that easy-to-use spreadsheets no longer meet all our needs. One way to think about this is: how can I arrange my work so that my “future self” in 6 months or 5 years can understand what I have done and reproduce it?
There have been a number of 1-day to 1-week workshops in recent years concerning systems genetics, bioinformatics, biostatistics and the like. Good to research carefully before attending, and to be clear on goals. Is our goal to learn the latest methods, to be exposed to the frontier, or the learn basic skills useful today?
The workshops below cater to a mix of biologists and data scientists.