All talks will be 30 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions.

12:30-12:35 Welcome and opening remarks.

12:35-1:10 Eric D. Kolaczyk How hard is it to work with a network "average"?

1:10-1:45 Marianna Pensky ALMA: Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Clustering Mixture Multilayer Network

1:45-2:20 Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya Change Point Detection in Network Sequences

2:20-2:45 Break.

2:45-3:20 Purnamrita Sarkar Subsampling and Jackknife for networks

3:20-3:55 Carey E. Priebe Practical nonparametric spectral graph comparison

3:55-4:30 Liza Levina Latent space models for multiplex networks with shared structure

We plan to hold a brief (virtual) social hour after the satellite, most likely on Gather. Information will be provided during the session.