Professor Rich Johnson

PhD 1966, Statistics, University of Minnesota
Founding Editor, Statistics and Probability Letters (1982-2007)
Fellow, American Statistical Association
Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Research Interests: Life Testing and Reliability, Statistical Inference, Large Sample Theory, Applied Multivariate Analysis

Carver Award and Wisconsin Gathering


Founding Editor, Statistics and Probability Letters, 1982 - 2007
Associate Editor of J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 1976 - 1981, 1986 - 1989, 1993 - 1995.


Received Frank Wilcoxon Award, with co-author C. Morrell, for best applications paper in Technometrics for 1991
Received the 2008 Carver Award for service to the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
Received the 2009 Owen Award, San Antonio chapter of the American Statistical Association.
Listed in Who's Who in American 1986 and for over 25 years and Who's Who in the World 2007-2016

Professional Activities

IMS Council and Executive Committee Member, 1980-1986
IMS Program Secretary (1980-1986)
ASA Council 1982-1984
IMS Associate Program Secretary for Central Region (1972-1980)
ASA Regional Meetings Program Coordinator (1971-1972)

Membership in Professional Societies

Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Fellow of the American Statistical Association
Royal Statistical Society
Elected member of the International Statistical Institute

Recent Publications

Modeling and comparing the organization of circular genomes, Bioinformatics (2012),27, 912-918 with G. S. Shieh, et. al.

An empirical characteristic function approach to selecting a transformation to Sym-
metry, Contemporary Developments in Statistical Theory (2014), S. Lahiri, A. Schick,
A. SenGupta and T. Sriram, Eds.,191-202, Springer, with In-kwon Yeo.

An Empirical Characteristic Function approach to selecting a transformation to nor-
mality. Communications for Statistical Analysis and Methods (2014),21, 213-234, with
In-Kwon Yeo.

Asymptotic results for Crosier's CUSUM Statistic, J. Indian Statistical Assoc., (2014),
51,19-43, with R. Li.

Multivariate Analysis, Encylopedia entry Statistical Reference Online(2015), J. Wiley.
Inference for Izawa's bivariate gamma distribution. Comm. Statist. Theor. Meth. (2019), 48, 4350-4366, with S. Cho.