Seminar Presentation
Professor Rich Johnson
Talks after 1990
- Invited talk at IMS Meeting March 1991, Houston. University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, June 1991.
- Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, June 1991.
- Beijing (Peking) University, Peking, China June 1991.
- Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 1991.
- Invited talk at the Third International Environmetrics Conference, Madison, WI. Oc- tober 1991.
- Invited talk at the First World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Tampa, Florida, 1992.
- North Carolina State University, November 1993.
- University of Missouri, April 1994.
- Aukland University and University of Canterbury, N.Z., June/July 1994.
- Australian National University and University of Sydney, Australia, July 1994.
- University College, London, England, July 1995.
- Arizona State University and ASA chapter, March 1996 Invited talk.
- University of Minnesota Reunion. June 1996
- Invited talk at Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Athens, Greece. July 1996.
- Invited talk. Anniversary conference. Northern Illinois University, De Kalb. Septem- ber 1996
- Medical School of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisc. , March 1997.
- Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1997.
- Steklov Institute, Moscow, Russia, June 1997.
- ITAM, Mexico City, Mexico, November 1997.
- Invited talk. International Reliability Conference, De Kalb. May 1998.
- Kasetsart Univ., Bangkok, August 1998
- Academia Sinica Taiwan, August 1998.
- Tsing Hua Univ, Taiwan, August 1998.
- Invited Talk at International Statistical Symposium in Taiwan, August 1998.
University of Lisbon, Portugal 1999.
Don Carlos III, University of Madrid, Spain, March 1999. - Invited talk at Reliability 2000, July 2000, Bordeaux, France.
- University of West Virginia, September 2000
- Invited talk at the Large Sample Theory Wookshop in Honor of G. G. Roussas, UC- Davis, May 2001
- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna, Austria, July 2001
- Mathematical Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, July 2001
- Keynote talk at the 30th Anniversary of Korean Statistical Society Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 2001
- Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, November 2001
- Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, November 2001
- Michigan State University, March 2002.
- Invited talk special meeting on Canadian Statistical Society, Montreal, March 2002.
- University of Minnesota, April 2002.
- Invited talk at MMR2002, Trondheim, Norway, June 2002.
- University of Georgia, October 2002.
- Survival Analysis Conference, University of South Carolina, June 2004.
- International Statistical Institute meeting, Berlin, Germany, August 2004.
- Chulalongkron University, Bangkok, Thailand. April 2005
- Keynote talk at the rst Thai Applied Statistics Conference, Khon Kaen, Thailand, May 2005
- University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 2006
- University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, June 2006
- Symposium on Data Mining, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, Oc- tober 2006
- Workshop on Angular Data, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, Oc- tober 2006
- Hong Kong Science and Technology University, Hong Kong, China April 2007
- Conference Mathematical Methods of Reliability, MMR2007, Glasgow, Scotland July 2007
- University of Rome, Rome, Italy. December 2007
- University of Naples, Naples, Italy, December 2007
- Invited talk at Conference in Honor of Hira Koul, Michigan State University, May 2008
- Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, November 2008
- Invited talk at First International Nonparametric Statistics Society Conference, Halkidiki, Greece, June 2012