January 2017
Systems genetics is an approach to understand the flow of biological information that underlies complex traits.
how to relate phenotype to genotype
with changing technology
Figure: plantcellbiology.masters.grkraj.org
Great time to become involved in modern approaches!
Goals for genetic architecture
Goals for predicting future performance
phenotype = genotype + environment
Falconer & Mackay (1960–1996)
Biometry is “the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative methods … [through] constant experience in analysing and interpreting observational data of the most diverse types…. [W]e come to think of ourselves … in terms of the community of our interests with those doing similar work in other departments."
at inaugural meeting of the Biometric Society
mix of presentation style to plant-based audience
simpler models yield clearer results
but reality may be more complicated
genetic information (genotype)
trait information (phenotype)
(individual cell technologies not covered here)
Advances in measurement, design and analysis would be academic without advances in computational technology.
Rebecca Nelson blog.generationcp.org/category/women-in-science-2/
Leah Solberg Woods doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00127.2013
Laura Vanderploeg, Jackson Labs
Ferreira, Satagopan, Yandell, Williams, Osborn (1995) TAG
Satagopan, Yandell, Newton, Osborn (1996) Genetics
Moore, Johnson, Kwak, Livny, Broman, Spalding (2013)
(of 1000s)