2018 International Symposium on Financial Engineering and
Risk Management
(FERM 2018)


Welcome to Fudan, Shanghai


    • Inivted partipants, please check the invitation letter (email) regarding registation sent from the local organizers.
    • All other participants must register the conference on-site. Non-Chinese passport holders  please FIRST contact the local organizers for getting a confirmation of participation of the symposium, visa information and hotel information. Registration is free, but lodging and food are on your own.
    • If you need a certificate of participation of the symposium, once you get a confirmation from the local organizers, please download the pdf file, fill up the form, then bring the form to the registration desk to get a stamped certificate of participation. To do so, please show your ID card (passport), and one of these three IDs: faculty ID card, student ID card, or work ID card to the desk.
    • 热忱欢迎高校教师、研究生参会。本次会议采用现场注册并领取会议通知和开会证明。不收注册费。交通、食宿自理。注册时请出示身份证,教师 证或学生证或工作证。请事先下载pdf文 件并填写。注册时交给会议组织者。
    • 其他参会人员请预先与会议组织者联系。 

Attention 首次微信推送后,会议收到不少咨询。 目前希望报名人数有可能超过会场可容纳人数。会务组将在6月10日更新报名方法。敬请大家关注。 Please use online registration through WeChat.