Research Interests:

Representative Journal Publications:

  1. Fan, N.(s), Zhang, C.M., and Zhang, Z.J. (2024). "Dynamic modeling via autoregressive conditional GB2 for cross-sectional maxima of financial time series data,"
    Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, accepted. (This paper focuses on financial time series data.)
  2. Zhang, C.M., Gao, M.(s), and Jia, S.J.(s) (2024). "DAG-informed structure learning from multi-dimensional point processes,"
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, 25(352):1-56. (This paper focuses on neuron spike train data.)
  3. Gao, M.(s), Zhang, C.M., and Zhou, J. (2024). "Learning network-structured dependence from non-stationary multivariate point process data,"
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 70(8):5935-5968. (This paper focuses on neuron spike train data.)
  4. Zhang, C.M., Zhu, L.X., and Shen, Y.B.(s) (2023). "Robust estimation in regression and classification methods for large dimensional data,"
    Machine Learning, 112(9):3361-3411. [MATLAB codes available on GitHub] (This paper focuses on the classification of Lymphoma and Colon cancer data.)
  5. Guo, R.S.(s), Zhang, C.M., and Zhang, Z.J. (2020). "Maximum Independent Component Analysis with application to EEG data,"
    Statistical Science, 35(1):145-157. [PDF] (Special Issue on Statistics and Science, with the Guest Editor David Siegmund). (This paper focuses on brain EEG data.)
  6. Liu, J.(s), Zhang, C.M., and Page, D. (2016). "Multiple testing under dependence via graphical models,"
    Annals of Applied Statistics, 10(3):1699-1724. [PDF] (This paper focuses on GWAS on breast cancer.)
  7. Zhang, C.M., Chai, Y.(s), Guo, X.(s), Gao, M.(s), Devilbiss, D.M., and Zhang, Z. (2016). "Statistical learning of neuronal functional connectivity,"
    Technometrics, 58(3):350-359. [PDF] (Special Issue on Big Data) [MATLAB codes available on GitHub] (This paper focuses on neuron spike train data.)
  8. Du, L.(s) and Zhang, C.M. (2014). "Single-index modulated multiple testing,"
    Annals of Statistics, 42(4):1262-1311. [PDF] (This paper focuses on prostate cancer data.)
  9. Yu, T.(s), Zhang, C.M., Alexander, A.L., and Davidson, R.J. (2013). "Local tests for identifying anisotropic diffusion areas in human brain with DTI,"
    Annals of Applied Statistics, 7(1):201-225. [PDF] (This paper focuses on brain Diffusion Tensor Imaging data.)
  10. Zhang, C.M., Fan, J.(a), and Yu, T.(s) (2011). "Multiple testing via FDRL for large-scale imaging data,"
    Annals of Statistics, 39(1):613-642. [PDF] (This paper focuses on brain fMRI data.)
  11. Zhang, C.M., Jiang, Y.(s), and Chai, Y.(s) (2010). "Penalized Bregman divergence for large-dimensional regression and classification,"
    Biometrika, 97(3):551-566. [PDF] (This paper focuses on cardiac arrhythmia data.)
  12. Zhang, C.M. and Yu, T.(s) (2008). "Semiparametric detection of significant activation for brain fMRI,"
    Annals of Statistics, 36(4):1693-1725. [PDF] (This paper focuses on brain fMRI data.)
  13. Hall, P., Minnotte, M.C., and Zhang, C.M. (2004). "Bump hunting with non-Gaussian kernels,"
    Annals of Statistics, 32(5):2124-2141. [PDF]
  14. Zhang, C.M. (2003). "Calibrating the degrees of freedom for automatic data smoothing and effective curve checking,"
    Journal of the American Statistical Association, 98(463):609-628. [PDF]
  15. Fan, J.(a) and Zhang, C.M. (2003). "A reexamination of diffusion estimators with applications to financial model validation,"
    Journal of the American Statistical Association, 98(461):118-134. [PDF] (This paper focuses on financial time series data.)
  16. Fan, J.(a), Zhang, C.M., and Zhang, Jian (2001). "Generalized likelihood ratio statistics and Wilks phenomenon,"
    Annals of Statistics, 29(1):153-193. [PDF] (correction, Annals of Statistics, 2002, 30(6):1811-1811. [PDF])

Research Publications:

Technical Reports:


The research is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), and the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).
